In this special period coming out of the pandemic, the BBCM Foundation would like to inform you that our team is working hard on the annual preparation of the Black & Blue Festival, which changes theme with each edition in a creative way. We always develop a ‘mega-show’ concept with top DJs for the main event of the Black & Blue Festival, often choosing a new spectacular location from year to year. In 2022, for the first time in 32 years, the BBCM Foundation will present the ‘main event’ of the Black & Blue Festival at La TOHU, on Sunday, October 9, 2022 all night, from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. The theme will be ‘BLACK & BLUE 360’ in reference to the special circular shape of this extraordinary circus venue, but also in reference to the new artistic programming of this event which will for the first time take on a truly professional multidisciplinary form. It should be noted that the main event of the Black & Blue Festival was canceled in 2020 and 2021 by Public Health authorities, so the return of the event in 2022 will be impressive, super-charged and of high artistic quality. Indeed, the new concept is to include continuous caliber shows throughout the event, either with distinct musical accompaniments or simultaneously during the performances of the various guest DJs. The event’s new multidisciplinary artistic program will include, among other things:
ELECTRONIC MUSIC: local and foreign DJs/remixers. But this year, we are also aiming to hire ‘live’ artists (musicians, percussionists and specific singers) who will perform electronic music live on stage.
CIRCUS: Several circus artists, including aerial shows, acrobats, acts on the ground, etc. This aims to completely fill the event with multiple artistic performances even if some of these will take place simultaneously on the music of the guest DJs. In some more major cases, circus performances will have their own musical score, for example when DJ sets change (between DJ time slots).
DANCE: we plan to offer two to three performances by professional dance troupes during the event, therefore choreographed and timed performances with simultaneous integration of acrobats, for festive numbers on lively music that meets the expectations of the audience.
DIGITAL ARTS (VIDEOGRAPHERS/SCRATCH, etc.): given the concept of the circular room, our special ‘360’ concept is to place screens or video tiles all around the room, and involve several digital artists, videographers and ‘scratchers’ to completely fill the content of these screens, during continuous artistic performances and during the event in general.
SONG: singers who have the know-how to perform electronic music to accompany DJs or during shows during the evening.
STREET ARTS: we plan to integrate several styles of street arts into the event, at the entrance door outside the building, in the reception area, in certain appropriate areas of the event.

Our organizing committee is therefore taking a new, improved turn to become more efficient in terms of artistic excellence and awareness. With the addition of other art forms of presentation, we will encourage the development and strengthening of a variety of connections with the public, we will complete the artistic offer in our community, and by engaging many more artists than usual for this major event, we will contribute to improving the remuneration of artists and cultural workers. Several other official or affiliated activities will also be on the program during the many days of the Festival, such as the Leather Ball in collaboration with Pitbull Events, the Party District presented by District, the Twinkle Party, etc.