If there is yet one harmony that unites the LGBT community in all of its glory, it is the belief to love—to triumph over hate and oppression in our age-old story. Collectively we are winning the ongoing fight for equality and queer rights…a battle tempered by illness, grit, and strife throughout these years—but for many of us that battle is also fought within.
Our relentless urge to persevere, can leave us with higher levels of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and even lead to suicide. For old and young generations, these decades-old scars of discrimination are at the forefront of our psyche. If left isolated, our mental health becomes our highest risk factor.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, upwards of 60% of all members of the LGBT community suffer from anxiety and depression at some point in their lives; a level that is over twice that of our straight counterparts. Transgender adults reported their suicidal thoughts at an astonishing 48%, compared to the overall U.S. population of 4%. As these numbers are rising, how are our brothers and sisters finding the support to protect themselves against the odds?
Out of the changes time brings, science has provided many miracles to humanity and altered the way we think and endure. For those who identify LGBT, there may be a fresh, natural wellness approach to their anxiety, pain, and insomnia—Cannabidiol or CBD. In 2018, the US farm bill declassified hemp-based CBD as a controlled substance and re-classified it as an agricultural commodity, the same category where rice and corn reside. Popular medical practices and the FDA, which regulates claims that can be made, have yet to publish their findings. However, 80% of those who have used CBD believe it has a positive effect and half the people who used it, use almost every day. A recent study of 2,400 CBD users by the Brightfield Group showed that 42% gave up their prescription drugs completely.
The World Health Organization, (WHO), found in their March 2018 report, that there is no public health risk in CBD use, or the potential for abuse. (https://www.who.int/medicines/access/controlled-substances/CannabidiolCriticalReview.pdf). Hemp-based CBD, (unlike CBD obtained from the marijuana plant), is non-addictive and can contain only miniscule amounts of THC, the element that provides the intoxicating effects in marijuana. Many companies have THC removed from their hemp-based CBD products to better fit daily use.

CBD impacts one’s endocannabinoid system, which serves as our body’s thermostat. The endocannabinoid system can be compromised as we get older or is subjected to stressors, injury, and illness. CBD is a natural, plant-based, anti-inflammatory and regulates things like sleep, pain, mood and appetite. These functions all contribute to “homeostasis” which refers to the stability of your internal environment.
Weather you struggle from social anxiety, work hassles, pain, or if you have trouble sleeping; CBD products like tinctures, mints, and gummies can help ease your tensions. CBD can be used outside these common ailments too, like after an intense workout where your body and mind are left feeling drained. A berry-flavored caffeine drink mix + CBD can help you again find your energy and focus without the gitters. You can check out all these products and others made by my own company at Outandaboutcbd.com. We provide all the information to help you better understand CBD and start your journey. Natural ingredients are our priority, so we ensure all out products are sourced from organic US farms and tested by third party labs.
I believe that CBD is one of the most important natural wellness products to come along in many decades and I want to share its benefits with my community. With daily life challenges we continue to face, we all deserve a chance at living a more happy and full life.
Love Every Day,
Wayne Carkeek
Co-founder Out & About CBD
– www.outandaboutcbd.com
– http://ilovegay.net/2020/03/28/new-out-about-cbd-launches-line-of-wellness-products-specifically-for-lgbt-community/