
LGBT Seniors & Elders – Best Twitter Handles and Hashtags of 2017

We’ve rounded up the most influential accounts on Twitter. They are tirelessly supporting awareness and keeping followers abreast of all the latest developments in the LGBT Seniors & Elders world.


The Diverse Elders Coalition

Advocates for policies and programs that improve aging in diverse communities.

Follow at @DiverseElders



The world’s most influential organization serving LGBT elders.

Follow at @SAGEUSA



An Older Gay Guy Show

An LGBTQ Podcast aimed toward 40+ guys, or anyone who enjoys a show that discusses older gay life and interests.

Follow at @AnOlderGayGuy


Loren A Olson MD

A gay psychiatrist, speaker, author of “Finally Out.” (April 2017) At age many believe life is winding down, it is just getting interesting. Not medical advice. older gay life and interests.

Follow at @LorenAOlsonMD


Gala Senior Living

Are you ready to enjoy life the way it was intended? With comfort. Surrounded by family. Acceptance without limits

Follow at @GalaSeniors



Bringing the Social Element to #LGBTSeniors Worldwide! #LGBTElders

Follow at @ILoveGaySeniors



For more resources online, check out the following links:

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